Welcome to the House of Palayakottai, the acclaimed and original regal in situ genetically pure Kangayam cattle breeding station from times immemorial. Here where the internationally acclaimed – the fastest, most economical and hardiest breed among all native zebu cattle is being selectively bred in its pristine natural state, right from the Mahabharata and Sangam ages down the generations in continuum. Where history meets sustainability.
An effort to revive and sustain the glory of this magnificient breed by Sriman. Sivakumar,Pattagar of Kuruppu Nadu

Retired archeologist Mr.Rajasekaran TN Archeology Department ascertained Kuruppu Nadu’s latest Pattayam from 1672,the regnal of Chokkalinga Nayakar of Madurai,vassal of Vijayanagar.The lineage dates back from Sangam Cheras